
6 Credits

Opioids - 6 Hours

This course includes 6 hours of pharmacotherapeutics and pharmacology for nurses and advanced practice providers. Renew Now CE is an approved provider #50-18921 by the ANCC, Florida Board of Nursing, Physical Therapy, and Respiratory Therapy and a number of other state boards. We automatically report completed courses to CE Broker.

Additionally, this course includes 6 hours of Pharmacology for Autonomous Practice Initial Certification for Florida NPs, and all hours can be applied to ANCC national certification renewal. 

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Course Highlights

  • Nationally accredited and State Board-compliant CE courses
  • Each course is up-to-date, peer-reviewed by healthcare experts, and presented on an easy-to-use online platform
  • Average course rating: 4.7/5 stars
  • Efficient and effective license renewal
  • Up-to-date and relevant content for healthcare professionals


Course Overview

Course Release Date:  8/01/2024

Date of Most Recent Review:  6/13/2024

Course Expiration Date:  8/01/2027

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify heroin as an opioid
  2. Identify classes of scheduled opioids
  3. Identify strategies to help individuals with substance dependence.

  • Money back guarantee
  • Certificate of completion
  • Mobile ready
  • Course save progress
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