Human Trafficking 2023-2025

Human Trafficking 2023-2025
2 Credits

Human Trafficking 2023-2025 - 2 Hours

Renew Now CE is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Provider number: P0557. Renew Now CE automatically reports course completion credit to CE Broker.

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Course Highlights

  • Nationally accredited and State Board-compliant CE courses
  • Each course is up-to-date, peer-reviewed by healthcare experts, and presented on an easy-to-use online platform
  • Average course rating: 4.7/5 stars
  • Efficient and effective license renewal
  • Up-to-date and relevant content for healthcare professionals


Course Overview

Course Original Release Date:  8/1/17

Date of Most Recent Review:  7/18/22

Course Expiration Date:  12/31/2024

Course Author & Planning Committee Conflict of Interest Disclosures:
Joanna Nolte, APRN, MSN, and Lindsay West, RN, BSN, BSHSE have no conflict of interest or disclosures.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define human trafficking
  2. Recognize common myths about human trafficking
  3. Identify the different forms of human trafficking
  4. Identify red flags that could indicate human trafficking
  5. Understand health care provider’s role and requirements for reporting
  6. Become familiar with resources for victims of human trafficking


  • Money back guarantee
  • Certificate of completion
  • Mobile ready
  • Course save progress
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