Implicit Bias – 1 Hour California

About the course
Implicit Bias – 1 Hour California
This course satisfies the requirement for 1 hour of implicit bias for California nurses and health providers required to complete training by AB1407 or AB2319.
According to AB1407 and the California Board of Nursing, beginning January 1, 2023 a licensee within the first 2 years of holding their license, must complete 1 hour of direct participation in an implicit bias course offered by an approved continuing education provider. According to AB2319, Initial basic training for implicit bias programs must be completed by June 1, 2025, for current healthcare providers, and within 6 months of their start date for new providers.
Over 5,000 California licensees have satisfied the state requirement by completing this 1 hour Implicit Bias course.
Renew Now CE is an approved provider through the California Board of Nursing, provider ID CEP 17292. Verification of approved educational providers can be done using the DCA License Search. You can search for us in the DCA License Search (Link).
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Course Highlights
- Nationally accredited and California Board-compliant CE courses
- Each course is up-to-date, peer-reviewed by healthcare experts, and presented on an easy-to-use online platform
- Average course rating: 4.7/5 stars
- Efficient and effective license renewal
- Up-to-date and relevant content for healthcare professionals
Course Overview
Course Original Release Date: 6/12/2023
Date of Most Recent Review: 5/16/2024
Course Expiration Date: 6/11/2026
The Implicit Bias - 1 Hour California Course Author & Planning Committee Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Joanna Nolte, APRN, MSN, and Tamarah Jungklaus, APRN, MSN, have no conflict of interest or disclosures.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the definition of implicit bias.
- Recognize that implicit bias impacts perception and performance in delivery of care.
- Identify strategies to promote equity in the provision of healthcare services.
Additional Information
What needs to be in the 1 hour Implicit Bias Training?
Implicit bias training which shall include all of the following:
(A) Identification of previous or current unconscious biases and misinformation.
(B) Identification of personal, interpersonal, institutional, structural, and cultural barriers to inclusion.
(C) Corrective measures to decrease implicit bias at the interpersonal and institutional levels, including ongoing policies and practices for that purpose.
(D) Information on the effects, including, but not limited to, ongoing personal effects, of historical and contemporary exclusion and oppression of minority communities.
(E) Information about cultural identity across racial or ethnic groups.
(F) Information about communicating more effectively across identities, including racial, ethnic, religious, and gender identities.
(G) Discussion on power dynamics and organizational decision making.
(H) Discussion on health inequities within the perinatal care field, including information on how implicit bias impacts maternal and infant health outcomes.
(I) Perspectives of diverse, local constituency groups and experts on particular racial, identity, cultural, and provider-community relations issues in the community.
(J) Information on reproductive justice.
The Board specifically states this about the Implicit Bias Requirement:
Beginning January 1, 2023, those licensees shall complete one hour of direct participation in an implicit bias course offered by a continuing education provider approved by the board that meets all the same requirements outlined in paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of Section 2786, including, but not limited to, the identification of the licensees previous or current unconscious biases and misinformation and corrective measures to decrease implicit bias at the interpersonal and institutional levels, including ongoing policies and practices for that purpose.
The Board recognizes the regulatory language at Title 16 CCR 1452 needs to be updated to reflect this new requirement and plans to bring proposed text before the Full Board for their approval at the February Board meeting. Once the text is approved, Board staff will move forward with submitting a regular rule making package to the Office of Administrative Law in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act. The rule making process can take up to one year to complete, so in the meantime please defer to the statutory language in BPC Section 2811.5 regarding implicit bias training. Last accessed June 6, 2023.
Link to AB1407:
Link to the California Board of Nursing CE Page:
Read our blog post on the requirement here
This course includes
- Money back guarantee
- Certificate of completion
- Mobile ready
- Course save progress