Medication Errors - Pharmacy

Medication Errors - Pharmacy
2 Credits
Required For: FL

Medication Errors - Pharmacy - 2 Hours

This course satisfies the Florida Board of Pharmacy requirement for Medication Errors. Renew Now CE is a Florida Board of Pharmacy approved provider 50-18921. 

This course reports to CE Broker. This course will not report to NABP CPE Monitor.

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Course Highlights

  • Nationally accredited and Florida Board-compliant CE courses
  • Each course is up-to-date, peer-reviewed by healthcare experts, and presented on an easy-to-use online platform
  • Average course rating: 4.7/5 stars
  • Efficient and effective license renewal
  • Up-to-date and relevant content for healthcare professionals

Course Overview

Course Original Release Date:  8/15/2024
Date of Most Recent Review:  7/9/24
Course Expiration Date:  8/14/2027

Course Author & Planning Committee Conflict of Interest Disclosures:
Joanna Nolte, APRN, MSN, and Ryan Bendinelli, PharmD, have no conflict of interest or disclosures.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Define the common root-causes of medication errors.
  2. Identify the most common medication errors, the impact of these errors, and strategies for reduction, prevention, and patient safety. 
  3. Identify patient safety regarding clarifying unclear prescriptions.

  • Money back guarantee
  • Certificate of completion
  • Mobile ready
  • Course save progress
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