Michigan Implicit Bias for Physicians

Essential Implicit Bias Training for Michigan MDs: Stay Compliant and Earn CE Credits

The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) mandates implicit bias training for physicians as part of their license renewal requirements. Rule R338.7004, updated in 2023, allows these training hours to count toward continuing education (CE) credits, providing a convenient way to stay compliant and informed.

Michigan physicians must meet renewal requirements to maintain licensure and ensure equitable, patient-focused care delivery.

Complete Your Implicit Bias Training Today

Our 2-hour and 3-hour accredited, on-demand webinar courses meet the implicit bias training requirements for Michigan physicians. These courses are designed for flexibility and offer AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ upon completion.

Course Options:

  • 3-Hour Course
    • Satisfies implicit bias training for implicit bias training for Michigan Physicians (both MD and Osteopathic) and PAs.
    • Earn 3.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
    • Cost: $95.
  • 2-Hour Course
    • Satisfies implicit bias training for Michigan Physicians (both MD and Osteopathic) and PAs
    • Earn 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
    • Cost: $55.

How Many Hours of Implicit Bias Training Do Michigan Physicians Need?

The number of implicit bias training hours required depends on whether you are applying for a new license or renewing an existing one:

New Applicants

If you are applying for a new license, you must complete 2 hours of implicit bias training within the five years immediately preceding your license issuance.

Renewing Licensees

Renewing licensees must complete 1 hour of implicit bias training per year of their license or registration cycle. For example:

  • Renewals from June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023: 1 hour required.
  • Renewals from June 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024: 2 hours required.
  • Renewals from June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025: 3 hours required.

It’s important to note that for renewals after June 1, 2021, you only need to meet the training requirements for each year since the rule was implemented. For example, if your renewal period started in August 2022, you would only need 1 hour of training even if your license cycle was three years long.

Why Implicit Bias Training Matters

Implicit bias refers to unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that can influence decision-making and behavior, often without the individual being aware of their impact. In healthcare, implicit bias can affect diagnostic decisions, treatment plans, and patient outcomes. Structured implicit bias training helps Michigan physicians address biases, improve patient care, and build trust in healthcare.

LARA’s requirements are part of a broader initiative to ensure healthcare providers are equipped to recognize and reduce implicit biases, contributing to a more equitable healthcare environment for all.

Reporting Implicit Bias Training

Physicians are not required to submit their implicit bias training certificates directly to the state of Michigan. During license renewal, you will attest to completing a LARA-compliant training program. Be aware that LARA may audit a sample of licensees to confirm compliance, so it’s essential to keep your certificates on file.

Learn more about the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) requirements for implicit bias training on their official website (link).

Take the first step toward meeting your compliance requirements today with Renew Now CE.